Submitting A Nomination
Nominations must include:
- A completed Nomination Form clearly stating the category of nomination, which may be submitted on-line, by email or in the post;
- The period, and if applicable, the subject or subjects taught by the nominated Academic to the proposer/s;
- A signed citation setting out succinctly the positive influence which the nominated Academic has had on the proposer/s life and or career warranting consideration for an Award. Limit 500 words;
- Contact details of the person/s forwarding the nomination;
- A nomination may include additional material such as newspaper articles and/or photographs. Please include a stamped, self addressed envelope if supporting material is required to be returned.
Please note: While care will be taken with all supporting material submitted with the nomination, individuals should ensure a copy is retained of any original material submitted; - Nominations must be received by 5pm on 5th April 2024.
- Proposers acknowledge and agree that submission of a nomination is evidence of the Proposer’s consent to the publication his/her Faculty and/or course of study and/or citation or an edited version of the citation, and to the publication of any supporting material submitted with his/her nomination. In the event that the nomination contains supporting material originating from third parties, ie newspaper articles, photographs etc, UWAASA will undertake, as far as reasonably possible, to obtain the necessary publication permission/s;
- Nominees must not be consulted before submission of a nomination;
- Nominees may be contacted by UWAASA prior to the announcement of the Awards;
- Current Members of the UWAASA Committee are not eligible for nomination;
- Any changes to the timing, process and categories shall be determined at the sole discretion of any future duly elected UWAASA Committee;
Nomination Forms may be downloaded here
Please contact the UWASSA office with any enquires: Ph 6488 3836 or email The office is not attended full time and replies will be at the earliest opportunity.
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